06.14.2024 "UNILATERAL CHIPPER" 30-20-10 Jumping Pull-ups or Sandbag Bent Over Rows Right Leg Only Step-Ups Left Leg Only Step-Ups Push-ups (hands on the box) Right Leg Only Bulgarian Split Squats Left Leg Only Bulgarian Split Squats Rx: 40/30lb Ruck Intermediate:...
Sandbag Devil Press
Sandbag Bear Complex
*80m Shuttle run each round
Rx: 60/40lb Sandbag
Scoring= for time
200 Sandbag Squats For Time
*Every Minute on the Minute 3 Burpees over the Sandbag Interruption
**Workout starts with 3 Burpees over the Sandbag
Rx: 60/40lb Sandbag
Scoring= for time
06.10.2024 "TIME MARCHES ON" EMOM (every minute on the minute) Min 1 - Step-ups Alternating Min 2 - Burpee Box Step-Overs Min 3 - Walking Lunges Min 4 - Air Squats Rest 1 Min Every 0:90 Seconds 0:90s - Step-ups...
06.08.2024 "101ST AIRBORNE" 400 METER RUCK 101 RUCK LUNGES (total) 400 METER RUCK 101 RUCK SWINGS 400 METER RUCK 101 RUCK SQUATS 400 METER RUCK Rx: Ruck 30/20 lbs The 101st is recognized for its unmatched Air Assault capability, its...
06.06.2024 "82ND AIRBORNE" 8 ROUNDS: 8 SANDBAG FRONT TOSS 20 SANDBAG PLANK PULLS (10 per side) 8 BURPEES WITH LATERAL HOP 200 METER SANDBAG SHOULDER CARRY Rx: Sandbag 60/40 lbs The 82nd Airborne Division of the US Army’s objective was...
05.28.2024 "BULLET"
5 Rounds:
Minute Stations
1 min Sandbag Front Toss
1 min Ruck Russian Twists
1 min Sandbag Hang Clean & Press
1 min Ruck Pressed Leg Raises
Rx: Sandbag 60/40lb, Ruck 30/20lb
Scoring= total reps
05.25.2014 "GRIPPY" 400m Farmers Carry 4 ROUNDS: 10 KB Hang Clean & Press (each) 15 KB Bent Over Rows (each) 400m Single Arm Overhead KB Carry (switch arms every 200m) 4 ROUNDS: 10 KB Single Leg Deadlifts (each side) 10...
05.20.2024 "MURPH PREP " 800m Run 60 Squats 40 Sandbag Bent Over Rows 20 Push-Ups 400m Run 60 Squats 40 Sandbag Bent Over Rows 20 Push-Ups 800m Run 60 Squats 40 Sandbag Bent Over Rows 20 Push-Ups Optional: Wear Ruck...
05.17.2024 "SAND BALLIN" 50 ft Med Ball Shoulder Carry (right) 50 ft Med Ball Shoulder Carry (left) 50 Med Ball Over Shoulder 50 Med Ball Squats 50 Tricep Push-Ups on Med Ball 50 ft Med Ball Shoulder Carry (right) 50...