04.13.2024 "SATURDAZE" 5 ROUNDS: 10 Push-Up with Sandbag Drag 10 Burpee with Lateral Hop Over Sandbag 10 Sandbag Deadlifts 10 Sandbag Hang Squat Cleans 200m Fast Run (slick/unweighted) Cash Out: (not for time) 50 Single Leg V- Ups (total) 50...
04.11.2024 "FHUNDO" 100 Sandbag Bent Over Rows 100 Sandbag Back Squats 100 Push Ups (slick/unweighted) 100 Ruck Walking Lunges (total) 100 Ruck Overhead Leg Raises 100m Farmers Carry (Ruck + Sandbag) 100m Ruck Side Shuffle Complete 100 reps of each...
03.30.2024 "STOP, DROP & LUNGE" 40-min EMOM: Min 1: 10 Burpees Min 2: 20 SB Walking Lunge Min 3: 10 SB Flutter Kicks (4 count always) Min 4: 8 SB Shoulder to Overhead Min 5: Rest *Repeat for 8 total...
03.26.2024 "MINI MURPHS" 5 ROUNDS: 15 Squats 10 Push-ups 5 Pull-ups or 10- Sandbag Bent Over Rows 5-Minute Weight Vest Run/Ruck Rx: Vest 20/14 lbs *wear vest for entire workout, if you don't have a vest wear your ruck Scoring=...
03.25.2024 "DOUBLE DEATH BY THRUSTER" 2 ROUNDS: Start with (5) sandbag thruster repetitions in the first minute. Every minute on the minute, add (1) thruster rep until you fail the required number of reps in the minute. Once you reach...
03.19.2024 "BEAR FIGHT"
Burpee w/ Lateral Hop
Sandbag Back Squats
Sandbag Bent Over Rows
Sandbag Alternating Lunges (total)
*After each set perform 100m Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
Rx: 60/40 lbs
Scoring= for time