05.13.2024 "MURPH PREP" 10 min AMRAP 200m Ruck/Run 20 Sandbag Bent Over Rows10 min AMRAP 200m Ruck/Run 20 Push-Ups10 min AMRAP 200m Ruck/Run 30 Squats Wear Ruck or Vest Choose the one that you plan to wear for Murph later...
05.11.2024 "20 Minute FARMERS CARRY" Farmers Carry for Distance for 20 minutes. 10 minutes out and 10 minutes back. Every time you drop the weight perform 5 Burpees. You pick the load. It can be an uneven farmers carry with...
05.09.2024 "20 minute MED BALL CARRY" Carry a Sand Med Ball for Distance for 20 minutes. 10 minutes out and 10 minutes back. Every time you drop the ball perform 10 Tricep push-ups with your hands on the ball. Rx:...
05.06.2024 "MURPH PREP" 3 ROUNDS: 400m Ruck 30 Sandbag Bent Over Rows 3 ROUNDS: 400m Ruck 30 Push-Ups 3 ROUNDS: 400m Ruck 30 Squats Wear Ruck or Vest, choose the one that you plan to wear for Murph later this...
05.02.2024 "GORUCK HALF MURPH" 800m Run 100 Sandbag Bent Over Rows 100 Push-Ups 150 Squats 800m Run Rx: 20/14 lb Weight Vest, 60/40 lb Sandbag You can partition the reps however you would like. Do not break up the 800m...
04.29.2024 "MANION WOD - GORUCK Version" 7 ROUNDS: 400m Run 29 Sandbag Back Squats Rx: 60/40 lb SandbagDedicated to 1st Lt Travis Manion, USMC, the Manion Hero WOD brings veterans, families of the fallen, and inspired civilians together each year...
20 Mile Ruck
You choose the load and you can choose the distance if you want to go for 20 + miles.
If you are new to rucking then adjust this mileage accordingly.
04.26.2024 "UPPER SESH" 5 ROUNDS: 10 KB Single Arm Floor Press (each arm) 15 Tricep Push-Ups 5 ROUNDS: 10 KB Single Arm Row 15 Sandbag Bent Over Row CASH OUT: 1 minute Plank Hold 50 Single Leg V-Ups (total) 1...
04.22.2024 "BOULDER SHOULDER" 4 ROUNDS: 10 KB Single Arm High Pull (each side) 10 KB Single Arm Swings (each side) 10 KB Single Front Rack Squat (each side) 10 KB Single Arm Push Press (each side) 200m Single Shoulder Carry...
04.20.2025 "DISTANCE RUCK PREP" 6 - 12 Mile Ruck You pick the distance based on your training level. If you are new to rucking go a challenging distance that is farther than you have rucked before. If you are building...
04.18.2024 "CLASSIC HURT" 1 ROUND: 21 Sandbag Thrusters 21 Burpees with hop over sandbag 15 Sandbag Thrusters 15 Burpees with hop over sandbag 9 Sandbag Thrusters 9 Burpees with hop over sandbag 15 Sandbag Thrusters 15 Burpees with hop over...