07.09.2024 "REKINDLE" 6 MIN AMRAP:10 Sandbag Clean and Press15 Sandbag Back SquatsRest 3 minutes then:Take AMRAP score (rounds + reps) from part 1 and repeat for time Rx: Sandbag 60/40 lbsExtra: Wear a Ruck or Vest Scoring= Part 1: Rounds...
07.04.2024 "CAPTURE THE FLAG" 4 Mile Ruck After each mile complete: 13 Ruck Push-Ups & 50 Ruck Squats Expert: 45/30 lb Rx: 30/20 lb Intermediate: 20/10 lb Beginner: 10 lb or just throw your water bottle in your ruck! Our...
07.01.2024 "TOP TEN"
100m Sandbag Shuffle/Run
10 Sandbag Russian Swings
10 Sandbag Bent Over Rows
10 Sandbag Front Squats
Rx: Sandbag 60/40 lb
Scoring= for time
06.28.2024 "FARMER" 800m Farmer Carry *every time the weight touches the ground complete 20 Goblet Squats CASH OUT: 400m Walking Lunges (slick/unweighted) You pick two weights that are challenging for you. Can be 2 different weights, just switch out as...
06.21.2024 "HENRY"
400m Ruck with Sandbag only
30 Sandbag Zercher Squats
20 Sandbag Shoulder to Shoulder Press
10 Burpee Sandbag Lateral Hop
Rx: Sandbag 60/40lb
Scoring= for time
06.15.2024 "SANDBAG GONE BAD" 3 Rounds for Total Reps 60# Sandbag Min 1 - Max Reps Bear Crawl Drag Min 2 - Max Reps Sumo Deadlift to High Pull Min 3 - Max Reps Clean & Jerk Min 4 -...