
07.13.2024 "HIGH-RISE" 20 MINUTE EMOMMinute 1: Alternating Box Step Ups w/ a SandbagMinute 2: Plank Sandbag Pull ThroughMinute 3: Sandbag Front SquatsMinute 4: REST Rx: Sandbag 60/40 lbs, Box 24”/20”Extra: Wear a Ruck Scoring= Total Reps: each step up and...
07.12.2024 "5 AFTER MIDNIGHT" 5 ROUNDS100m Sandbag Suitcase Carry (Right)100m Sandbag Suitcase Carry (Left)10 Sandbag Thrusters10 Sandbag Over The Shoulder100m Sandbag Suitcase Carry (Right)100m Sandbag Suitcase Carry (Left)Rest 1min Between Rounds Rx: Ruck 30/20 lbs, Sandbag 60/40 lbs Scoring= for...
07.11.2024 "FREQUENT FLYER" 10 ROUNDS w/ Weight Vest6 Sandbag Facing Burpees12 Sandbag Deadlifts Rx: Sandbag 80/60 lbs Scoring= for time
07.09.2024 "REKINDLE" 6 MIN AMRAP:10 Sandbag Clean and Press15 Sandbag Back SquatsRest 3 minutes then:Take AMRAP score (rounds + reps) from part 1 and repeat for time Rx: Sandbag 60/40 lbsExtra: Wear a Ruck or Vest Scoring= Part 1: Rounds...
07.08.2024 "HOOK N’ LADDER" Buy In: 800m RUN 1 Sandbag Row 2 Sandbag Shoulder to Overhead2 Sandbag Rows 4 Sandbag Shoulder to Overhead3 Sandbag Rows 6 Sandbag Shoulder to Overhead *Continue adding 1 row and 2 shoulder to overhead every...
07.06.2024 "ARMAGEDDON" Buy In: 50 Push-ups (slick)6 Rounds: 10 Sandbag Skull Crushers 10 Sandbag Floor Press 10 Sandbag Strict Overhead Press 10 Sandbag Bicep Curls 10 Sandbag Bent Over Rows Cash Out: 50 Push-ups (slick) Grab a sandbag or sand...
07.05.2024 "ELEVATION RUCK" 20 Minutes of Climbing stairs, box step - ups or rucking hills Rx: 30/20lb Ruck Scoring= for completion
07.04.2024 "CAPTURE THE FLAG" 4 Mile Ruck After each mile complete: 13 Ruck Push-Ups & 50 Ruck Squats Expert: 45/30 lb Rx: 30/20 lb Intermediate: 20/10 lb Beginner: 10 lb or just throw your water bottle in your ruck! Our...
07.02.2024 "CORE BURN" 4 ROUNDS: 1 min Plank Hold (ruck optional) 50 Seated Ruck Russian Twist (total) 50 Ruck Pressed Lying Leg Raises 50 Mountain Climbers (4 count, slick) Rx: 30/20 lb Ruck Scoring= for completion
07.01.2024 "TOP TEN" 8 ROUNDS: 100m Sandbag Shuffle/Run 10 Sandbag Russian Swings 10 Sandbag Bent Over Rows 10 Sandbag Front Squats Rx: Sandbag 60/40 lb Scoring= for time
06.29.2024 "5 MILE RUCK" 5 Mile Ruck Rx: 30/20 lb Ruck Scoring= for time
06.28.2024 "FARMER" 800m Farmer Carry *every time the weight touches the ground complete 20 Goblet Squats CASH OUT: 400m Walking Lunges (slick/unweighted) You pick two weights that are challenging for you. Can be 2 different weights, just switch out as...
06.27.2024 "THROWDOWN" 2 SETS:3 ROUNDS: 10 Burpees (slick/unweighted) 10 Sandbag Lateral TossesRest 1 Minute3 ROUNDS: 10 Push Ups (slick/unweighted) 10 Overhead Throws*Rest 2 minutes before starting your 2nd set Rx: 60/40 lb Sandbag Scoring= total time (including rest)
06.25.2024 "SANDSTORM" 4 ROUNDS: 200m Sand Med Ball Bear Hug Carry 15 Sandbag Front Squats 15 Sandbag Overhead Press Rx: Med Ball 80/60lb, Sandbag 60/40lb Scoring= for time
06.24.2024 "CHIP" 1 mile ruck 10 Sandbag Deadlifts 10 Sandbag Hang Cleans 800m ruck 20 Sandbag Deadlifts 20 Sandbag Hang Cleans 600m ruck 30 Sandbag Deadlifts 30 Sandbag Hang Cleans 400m ruck 40 Sandbag Deadlifts 40 Sandbag Hang Cleans 200m...
06.22.2024 "COLE" 5 ROUNDS: 50 Ruck Step-Ups (total) 25 Overhead Ruck Sit ups 5 Ruck Get-ups Rx: 30/20 lb Ruck Scoring= for time
06.21.2024 "HENRY" 5 ROUNDS: 400m Ruck with Sandbag only 30 Sandbag Zercher Squats 20 Sandbag Shoulder to Shoulder Press 10 Burpee Sandbag Lateral Hop Rx: Sandbag 60/40lb Scoring= for time
06.20.2024 "DAN" 5 ROUNDS: 12 Ruck Push-Ups 12 Lateral Sandbag Tosses 50-40-30-20-10 Flutter-kicks (4ct, slick) *flutter kicks go down in reps each round Rx: 30/20lb Ruck, 60/40lb Sandbag Scoring= for time
06.18.2024 "CAMERON" 5 ROUNDS: 15 Sandbag Bent Over Rows 15 Sandbag Overhead Press 15 Ruck Russian Twists (each side) 100m Farmers Carry w/ Sandbag & Ruck Rx: 60/40lb Sandbag, 30/20lb Ruck Scoring= for time
06.17.2024 "TORRES" 5 ROUNDS: 8 Sandbag Power Cleans 16 Sandbag Walking Lunges (total) 100m Sandbag Overhead Carry Rx: 60/40lb Sandbag Scoring= for time
Sandbag Gone Bad
06.15.2024 "SANDBAG GONE BAD" 3 Rounds for Total Reps 60# Sandbag Min 1 - Max Reps Bear Crawl Drag Min 2 - Max Reps Sumo Deadlift to High Pull Min 3 - Max Reps Clean & Jerk Min 4 -...