02.15.2024 "SANDBAG SHENANIGANS" 5 ROUNDS: 20 Sandbag Deadlifts 20 Sandbag Hang Cleans 20 Sandbag Shoulder to Shoulder Press (total) 200m Sandbag Suitcase Carry Rx: 60/40 lbs suitcase carry is 100m in right hand & 100m in left hand Scoring= for...
02.09.2024 "POTATO SACK" 12 ROUNDS: With Ruck ON 3 Burpee to Sandbag Press 6 Sandbag Back Squats 9 Sandbag Deadlifts 120 Meter Sand Jerry Can Carry (Switch Hands as Needed) Rx: Ruck 30/20 lb Sandbag 60/40 lb Jerry Can 55/45...
01.30.2024 "DESERT PUNCH" 800m Sandbag Back Rack Carry 30 Sandbag Deadlift High Pull 20 Sandbag Front Squats 10 Burpee + Hop Over Sandbag 20 Sandbag Front Squats 30 Sandbag Deadlift High Pull 800m Sandbag Back Rack Carry Rx: Sandbag 60/40...
01.27.2024 "POWER HOUR"
Every 15 Minutes x 4 Rounds:
Run 1 mIle (slick/unweighted)
30 Sandbag Cleans
Rx: Sandbag 60/40 lb
Scale down the distance on the run if needed to stay within time domain.
Scoring= time for each round
01.26.2024 "GROCERY TRIP" 20 minute AMRAP: 50 ft Kettlebell Suitcase Carry Left 50 ft Kettlebell Suitcase Carry Right 50 ft Kettlebell Overhead Carry Right 50 ft Kettlebell Overhead Carry Left 100 ft Sand Medball Bear Hug Carry Rx: KB 53/35...
01.25.2024 "SANDY 2024"
2 Sandbag Bear Complex
4 Bear Crawl with Sandbag Pull (right arm pull + left arm pull = 1)
Rx: 60/40 lb
Scoring= for time
01.23.2024 "HAM SANDWICH"
Every 5 mins x 4 Rounds:
30 Ruck Cossack Squats
20 Ruck Hand Release Push-Ups
100m Ruck Run
1:00 Ruck Plank
Rx: Ruck 30/20 lb
Scoring= time to complete each round
01.22.2024 "TWO x FOUR"
20 Kettlebell Goblet Squats
20 Burpees
*Rest 2 mins between each round
Rx: KB 53/35 lb
Scoring= for time (total time including rest)
01.19.2024 "UP & GONE"
Sand Med Ball Over Shoulder
*400m Run after each round (slick/unweighted)
Rx: Med Ball 100/80 lb
make sure you finish with a 400m run
Scoring= for time