Nuove storie

Humbled by Sandy Hook: A Perfect Event
Over the past 14 years, I’ve participated in triple-digit GORUCK events, both as a participant and/or organizer. I consider all of these events worthwhile, with several that I would call life-changing, and two of which I would classify as perfect....
Finding Purpose as a Bodybuilder or Cyber Spiderman
When it comes to motivation, few embody the spirit of reinvention like Arnold Schwarzenegger. The man has continually redefined himself, transforming from a small-town boy in Austria into a world-class bodybuilder, the iconic Mr. Olympia, a blockbuster movie star, the...
The Mercy Rule
The Mercy Rule (also known by the lesser names of the Slaughter, Knockout, or Skunk Rule) is a concept familiar to kids, parents, and coaches across the nation. My seven-year-old knows what it means, even if it only exists in...
Reflecting on a Bittersweet Victory
It’s hard to believe it’s been seven months since I first wrote about the dozens of proposed public school closures in my hometown — a list that included my children’s well-attended and beloved Atlantic Beach Elementary. The news of these...
I’m Told I Say Croissant Like An A$$hole
Fun facts: The Eiffel Tower was built a couple years prior to the 1889 Exposition Universelle to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution. It’s no secret that initial reviews of Gustave Eiffel’s innovative design were mixed; and by...
Right-sizing Hearts By Saving Community Schools
And yet for all the talk of budgets and numbers, I think what I’m trying to express goes beyond the numbers and our human attempts to live and work and learn together. What value do we place on a neighbor, whose own children have left the nest, painting a tire swing with words of encouragement and love for all who pass by? How does one nurture a student, a family, a school, a community? How do we continue to weave the social fabric of our locally-led lives? 
Lift Up Thine Eyes....From Thy Smartphone

It’s tough to accept when you are wrong. 

For the past decade, Jason and I have gone round and round about solo screen time for our kids. I argue there is a time and place for it; he wants to banish their iPads to the dumpster. What about when we are trapped in an airport or car with them on long trips? Or when they’ve been playing outside all day and it starts raining and we all want a break? He shrugs and says a version of “it’s a slippery slope and I don’t like it.”

What We Have Here Is Failure
By Emily McCarthy I once knew a guy in college who dove so deep into an intro level philosophy class that he told me he was going to read chapters from Plato’s Republic to his future children. He planned to...
The Case for More 9 Year Old Biker Gangs ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏
A couple of summers ago, when my oldest child was 9 years old, I decided to push her out of the proverbial nest. No, no, I did not kick her out of the house permanently. I merely informed her that...
Rocce della verginità
"Stiamo letteralmente andando verso il tramonto per salvare il tuo GR1. ” L'ho detto guardando Michael Easter, curvo sul suo telefono, cercando di far aggiornare il suo Trova il mio ____ (inserire qualsiasi prodotto Apple smarrito). Stavamo andando a ovest...
Il disagio è essere bloccati nel fango con i propri figli
TL;DR: Le maree cambieranno più velocemente di quanto pensi. Usa una rampa se ce n'è una. Quando ti ritrovi impantanato nel fango, striscia fuori (e altri suggerimenti su come sfuggire alle sabbie mobili di seguito). I nostri cari amici Dan...
Cambiamento nel 2023 - Una chat con ChatGPT
Di Emily McCarthy In questi giorni, sembra che non si possa andare troppo lontano senza sentire parlare di ChatGPT — l'ultimo salto nell'Intelligenza Artificiale (AI ) tecnologia chatbot. A seconda di chi parli, le reazioni alla capacità di ChatGPT di...
Libertà di espressione
Di Emily McCarthy Quando ero giovane e stupido, nell'estate del 1998 ho viaggiato in una nazione del Nord Africa per visitare un amico del college che era iscritto a un programma di studio dell'arabo all'estero. Era la prima volta che...