Nuove storie

Like Putting Mud Tires On a Really Fast Italian Sportscar: Building ToughMesh™
It took us five years to find the fabric to build the best performance shirt I’ve ever worn. We know how to build stuff right — in this case, what eluded us was world class fabric. Past versions were tough,...
The Best Travel Pants for Hiking and Cities: GORUCK Simple Pants Explained
I wear Simple Pants 365 days a year for traveling, commuting, rucking, and training. From Colombia to Thailand to Vietnam to Tokyo to the Grand Canyon, at OCR's (Obstacle Course Races), at all GORUCK Events and for my daily life...
Two years ago right now I was out of sorts. Stressed out, you might say. COVID had suited me just fine, actually — the more chaos around, the calmer I get. I was sleeping fine until I wasn’t. Two years...
The Dog Behind Our Java Rucks
By Jason McCarthy It was February 23, 2013 and good photographers are expensive when your company is young and you’re broke. I didn’t know how to take a good picture, but I went by my same philosophy on knot tying:...
World's Greatest PT Shorts
By Jason McCarthy Let’s say you’re single and you’re on a Special Forces team. It’s early morning PT and you’re wearing the world’s greatest PT shorts (Ranger Panties), with zero movement restricted. All the reps with all the weight and...
Sviluppare i nostri calzini
Di Jason McCarthy Mi sono allenato, mi sono allenato, ho viaggiato in tre continenti e ho camminato attraverso la foresta pluviale tropicale più biointensa del pianeta terra con questi calzini. Ho indossato il mio primo paio regolarmente per 6 settimane...