11.08.24 “SANDBAG SCARS” 20 SB Front Toss25 SB Front Rack Reverse Lunges (total)30 SB Deadlifts800m SB Suitcase Carry (switch hands as needed)30 SB Deadlifts25 SB Front Rack Reverse Lunges (total)20 SB Front Toss*Spice it up by wearing your ruck! Rx:...
11.07.24 "RUCK OFF"
6 ROUNDS:20 Ruck Swings15 Ruck Pressed Flutter Kicks (4ct)10 Ruck Single Arm Push Press (each)200m Ruck Single Arm OH Carry (switch arms at 100m)
Rx: Ruck 30/20 lbs
Scoring= for time
11.01.24 "MED BALL PUMP" 10-1 Hand Release Push- Ups Med Ball Cleans *100ft Med Ball Carry after each set Rx: Med Ball 100/80 lbs Scale as needed or use sandbag instead of ball 10 reps of each exercise then do...
10.29.24 "CHAD PREP III" Part 1 for time:400 Ruck Step-ups*Rest 5:00-10:00 between Part 1 and Part 2.Part 22 sets for total reps:2:00 Ruck Walking Lunges1:00 Rest2:00 Ruck Squats1:00 Rest Use box height & loading that is consistent with how you...
10.28.24 "VESTED" 4 ROUNDS: *wear your weight vest (or ruck)Min 1: Push Ups Min 2: SB Bent Over Row Min 3: SB Shoulder to Shoulder Press Min 4: 200m Run(quick run, scale distance if needed) Min 5: Rest You pick...
10.12.24 "EASY LIKE SATURDAY MORNING" 20 Side Plank Dips (right) 20 Side Plank Dips (left) 20 Plank Heel Rocks (total) 20 Bicycles (right) 20 Bicycles (left)2 mile coffee ruck (Grab your coffee/beverage of your choice and go or ruck to...
10.11.24 "LFG" 3 Rounds For Time: 20 Sandbag Thrusters 20 Sandbag Front Toss3 Rounds for Time: 6- 20ft Ruck Side Shuffle lengths 30 - Ruck SquatsCASH OUT: 50 Single Leg V-Ups (total) Max Plank Hold Rx: Sandbag 60/40 lbs, Ruck...