
03.15.2024 "400" 4 ROUND: 400m Sand Med Ball Carry (no ruck) 400m Ruck Run *every time you drop the med ball 20 air squats (slick) Rx: Ruck 30/20 lb, Med Ball 100/80 lb you do not need to do 20...
03.14.2024 "CASH" Buy In: 400m Sandbag Zercher Carry 3 ROUNDS: 30 Sandbag Deadlifts 30 Sandbag Shoulder to Shoulder 30 Ruck Push-Ups Cash Out: 1 mile Ruck Wear ruck for entire workout Rx: 30/20 ln Ruck, 60/40 lb Sandbag Scoring= total...
03.12.2024 "0100" 5 ROUNDS: 20 Single Arm KB Sit-Ups (total) 20 Russian KB Swings 20 KB Goblet Squats 20 Plank KB Pull Through (total) 20 KB Front Rack Walking Lunges (total) Pick KB weights that are challenging with good technique...
03.11.2024 "311" 10 MIN AMRAP: 3 Sandbag Get Ups (each side) 11 Sandbag Clean & Press 25 ft Reverse Bear Crawl Sandbag Drag Rest 2 Minutes 10 MIN AMRAP: 3 Sandbag Over Shoulder (each side) 11 Sandbag Squat Cleans 25...
24.2 GORUCK Version
03.09.2024 "FINALE" 20 Minute AMRAP: 300 meter Run 10 Sandbag Deadlifts 50 Lateral Hops over Sandbag Rx: 100/80 lb Sandbag Scale down weight if needed to keep quality form throughout Scoring= Total reps in 20 minutes Every 10 meters =...
03.08.2024 "RUCK & CORE" 5k (3.1 miles) Ruck for Time Into... 3 ROUNDS: (for completion) 20 Ruck Sit-Ups 20 Ruck Flutters (4 count) 20 Ruck Russian Twists (2 count) Rx: 30/20 lb Ruck Scoring= 5k time
03.07.2024 "DELTA DOUBLE" 2 ROUNDS: 20 Push-Ups 20 Ruck Swings 20 Sandbag Bent Over Rows 20 Sandbag Hang Clean & Press 20 Sandbag Lateral Toss 200m Sandbag Suitcase Carry Rx: Wear a weight vest for entire workout. Switch hands as...
03.05.2024 "ELEVATED ECHO" 10 minutes Elevation or Stair Ruck 100m Ruck Overhead Carry 100 Ruck Step- Ups 100m Ruck Overhead Carry 100 Ruck Step- Ups 10 minutes Elevation or Stair Ruck Rx: 30/20 lb Ruck Scoring= for completion
03.04.2024 "FIFTY FOXTROT" Buy In: 400m Sandbag Run 50 Sandbag Seated Press 50 Sandbag Over The Shoulder 50 Burpees Over The Sandbag 50 Sandbag Lunges (total) Cash Out: 400m Sandbag Run Rx: 60/40 lb Sandbag Scoring= total time
24.1 GORUCK Version
03.02.2024 "24.1 GORUCK Version" FOR TIME: 21 kettlebell snatches, arm 1 21 lateral burpees over kettlebell 21 kettlebell snatches, arm 2 21 lateral burpees over kettlebell 15 kettlebell snatches, arm 1 15 lateral burpees over kettlebell 15 kettlebell snatches, arm...
03.01.2024 "SHANNON" 35 min AMRAP: 1 min Sandbag Deadlift Hold 16 Burpees 200m Run 19 Sandbag Thrusters Wear a weight vest (20/14 lb) for entire workout Sandbag weight 60/40 lb Sandbag Deadlift Hold counts as 1 rep In honor of...
02.29.2024 "THE FARMER" 20 Med Ball Cleans 400m Kettlebell Farmer Carry 400m Med Ball Bear Hug Carry 20 Med Ball Cleans Rx: Med Ball 100/80 lb & Kettlebells 53/35 lb For the Farmer Carry you can use Jerry Cans, Rucks,...
02.27.2024 "INVESTED" Buy In: 400m Run 10 ROUNDS: 10 Push Ups 10 Bulgarian Split Squats (each leg) 10 Sandbag Push Press 10 Tempo Squats (1 count pause at the bottom) Wear a weight vest for all movements. You pick the...
02.26.2024 "THE PAPERMAN" 2-mile ruck with Ruck and Sandbag Then 15-20-17 reps of the following, ruck on: Sandbag Clean and Press Sandbag Rows Sandbag Over the Shoulder Sandbag Deadlift Rx: Ruck 30/20 lb & Sandbag 60/40 lb In honor of...
02.24.2024 "STRUCTURE" 4 ROUNDS:100’ Sand Jerry Can Suitcase Carry 55/45 (L-R) 100’ Single Arm Sand KB Overhead Carry 53/35 (L-R) 30 Sand KB Russian Twists total (53/35) 1 Sand Med Ball Over Shoulder + 30’ Hug Carry + 1 Sand...
02.23.2024 "DO IT FOR THE PUMP" 30-20-10 (not for time) Sandbag CurlsSandbag Push PressSandbag Reverse Lunge (each)Sandbag Single Arm Row (each) (L-R)Sand KB Single Arm Bench Press (each) (L-R) Pick weights for each movement that is challenging while keeping good...
02.22.2024 "IT WILL END" 200m Tombstone Carry 175/100 200m Sand Jerry Can Carry 55/45*every break run 200m Sub heavy sandbag or sand med ball if you do not have Tombstone. If you don't have something heavy then increase the distance...
02.20.2024 "HOLY RUCK" 800m Ruck100 Ruck Squats75 Ruck Push-ups50 Strict Pull-ups or Sandbag Bent Over Rows800m Ruck Rx: Ruck 30/20 *ruck stays on entire workout **scale pull-ups as needed
02.19.2024 "SO MANY OVERS" 21-15-9Single Arm Hang KB snatch (total) 53/35KB Step Ups (each leg) 24/20”Sand Med Ball Burpee over yoke or box 100/80 Scoring= for time
02.17.2024 "BURPEE LADDER OF REGRET" Run 400m 20 Burpees Run 400m 19 Burpees Run 400m 18 Burpees ...continue this descending rep scheme until you reach your final 400m run and 1 burpee Expert: wear a weight vest 20/14 lb Rx:...
02.16.2024 "KETTLEBELL KHAOS" 3 ROUNDS: 20 Alternating KB Hang Clean & Press 15 Overhead KB Tricep Extensions 10 KB Single Arm Bicep Curls (each arm) 15 KB Single Arm Bent Over Rows (each) 20 KB Close Grip Floor Press Grab...