12.02.24 "Reindeer Games" 10-1 Sandbag Trusters Sandbag Lateral Toss Burpee Broad Jumps(slick/unweighted) Rx: Sandbag 60/40 lbsStart with 10 reps of each movement, then 9 of each, 8, 7, etc until you complete 1 rep of each movement Scoring = for...
11.26.24 "KETTLEBELLIN" 4 ROUNDS:10 Kettlebell Power Clean & Press Right 10 Kettlebell Power Clean & Press Left 10 Kettlebell Single Arm Front Rack Reverse Lunges Right 10 Kettlebell Single Arm Front Rack Reverse Lunges Left 10 Kettlebell Single Arm Sit...
11.25.24 "JUST JERRY" 20 minute AMRAP:100m Jerry Can Farmer Carry 10 Jerry Can Bear Hug Squats 100m Jerry Can Right Hand Suitcase Carry 10 Burpees 100m Jerry Can Left Hand Suitcase Carry Rx: 55/45lb Jerry cans Scoring= rounds + reps...
11.22.24 "SAND BAG"
Sandbag Power Clean Burpee Over SandbagInto...15-12-9
Sandbag Squat Clean
100m Sandbag Overhead Carry
*complete the overhead Cary after each set of squat cleans
Expert: Sandbag 80/60
Rx: Sandbag 60/40
Scaled: Sandbag 40/20
Scoring= for time
11.21.24 "BAG OF BRICKS" 1 mile Heavy Ruck For Time Rest 5 minutes1 mile Heavy Ruck For Time*On your second ruck, try to beat the time it took you to complete the 1st mile ruck. *This can be a fast...
11.18.24 "ROLLER BAG" 3 Rounds:200m Ruck + Med Ball Carry 20 Ruck OH Strict Press 20 Ruck Rows (each arm)3 Rounds:200m Ruck + Med Ball Carry 20 Single Leg V-Ups 20 second Hollow Body Hold Rx: Ruck 30/20, Med Ball...
11.16.24 "CHAD1000X" 1,000 box step-ups completed as a team, partner, or individual for time. 3 OPTIONS:1. Slick/Beginner // No rucksack. You pick the height of the step-ups.2. Standard/Intermediate // 30#/20# rucksack. You pick the height of the step-ups.3. Expert //...
11.14.24 "CORE CONTROL"
2 Rounds:
800m Ruck
50 Single Leg V-Ups (slick)
25 Plank Ups (slick)
800m Ruck
50 Sit Ups (slick)
1 min Plank Hold (ruck optional)
Rx: Ruck 30/20 lbs
Score= for time