2024 9/11 Memorial Events - A Cadre's Perspective

2024 9/11 Memorial Events - A Cadre's Perspective

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, changed America and the lives of Americans forever. Our Cadre conduct 9/11 Commemorative events around the country to honor and remember those we lost: the courageous First Responders and the soldiers who fought in the Global War on Terrorism. Cadre and all willing participants share their 9/11 story: where were you and how did it change your life? Never Forget.

This year we hosted a Heavy, Tough, and Basic Challenge in New York City, along with a Tough, Basic, and Light Challenge in D.C.. To all of the GRTs that came out to ruck alongside us: thank you. We asked our Cadre to reflect on this year's events, this is what they had to say.

Cadre Hand:

"Something that I would like to say, maybe not really a quote per se, but it’s this --
We say that we don’t rise to the level of our expectations during times of stress, but that we react according to the level of our training. We also say that our character is revealed when pressure is applied, for better or worse. 9/11 showed us that both things are true. The first responders of 9/11 saved countless lives because they trained hard for mass casualty events they hoped they would never have to see. But they trained hard just in case and on 9/11 when extreme pressure was applied, they displayed exceptional character and bravery by rushing towards imminent danger and into skyscrapers that they knew were going to collapse. Just stop and think about that for a minute. We should always remember 9/11, if for no other reason than to always honor these extremely brave souls as true American heroes. They gave their lives on September 11, 2001 and many are still giving their lives to this day. We owe them all a great deal more than we can ever repay, but we should still continue to try."

Cadre Mocha Mike:

“9/11 forever changed us, and from the destruction of the two tours, one was, which symbolized America’s core beliefs that we a one nation. It is why I do this event because it is my duty that those of us who witnessed, experienced and choose to join to fight evil, must continue to teach and share the history to our younger generations. They must know the importance of that day and keep alive the victims and causalities alive in our hearts forever.”

Cadre Norwich:

“This year’s 9/11 events further illustrated the importance of GORUCK’s challenge events to commemorate the events of that world changing day. A large group of mostly white people marching through the streets of NYC receives a wide variety of reactions. Whether it was a spoken exchange or simply a look and facial expression the change observed was moving. Initially people assumed the group was associated with a MAGA movement, free Palestine protestors, Pro-Israel supports, or something in between. Once they learned we were honoring 9/11 they instantly warmed in their demeanor and made statements of appreciation, gratitude, and respect. One person said to their children after hearing our purpose, “it’s okay, these are great Americans.” On the flip side, I observed a couple, clearly native born Americans, walking away after hearing our purpose slap her head and remark, 'oh yea, 9/11!' As if after walking across the 9/11 memorial grounds she was oblivious that we were within days of the 23rd anniversary.
These events provide a meaningful way for participants to experience the area impacted by the events of the day and share their stories and those of people they choose to honor. It’s an honor to help tell the story and guide the participants through the important but often overlooked details of that day.”
Cadre Igor:
"343 firefighters climbed several hundred steps to save those in the twin towers. The weights we have on our backs and we are carrying on this event are to not only honor them, but all we list on 9/11."
Cadre Cleve:

“'I can hear you! The rest of the world hears you! The people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us!!!'

First Reconnaissance Battalion deployed forward in support of operation enduring freedom in 2010 and partook in a major role in one of the bloodiest battles in Marine Corps History. Our savage relentless engagements struck so much fear into terrorists that intercepted radio traffic from enemy forces was translated stating 'stay away from the black diamonds on the hill. If you shoot at them they will run towards and kill you all. Go around them and fight the weak soldiers in the southern Sangin'.

We struck fear and terror into the terrorists.
We all came home, but some of us haven’t returned."