A GORUCK Sand Medicine Ball with a 40-pound weight label, featuring a convenient handle on a white background, ideal for boosting core stability in your home gym.
A man kneels on one leg wearing workout attire, holding a 40 lb Sand Medicine Ball by GORUCK on his shoulder and sporting an "Embrace The Suck" shirt. Ideal for boosting core stability during intense home gym sessions.
Amidst kettlebells and towering buildings, a person carries a Sand Medicine Ball by GORUCK outdoors, enhancing core stability as if in their own home gym.
GORUCK Sand Medicine Ball in black, marked with "60#", includes a handle and showcases the brand's arrow logo. Ideal for improving core stability in your home gym.
", includes a handle and showcases the brand's arrow logo. Ideal for improving core stability in your home gym.
Two men energetically improving their core stability with GORUCK Sand Medicine Balls, working out in front of a garage.
A woman in athletic wear is outdoors lifting a 60-pound GORUCK Sand Medicine Ball, boosting her core stability.
The GORUCK Sand Medicine Ball, featuring a camouflage pattern and white "GORUCK" lettering along with a "60#" marking, is perfect for improving core stability. This versatile equipment enhances any home gym by providing the benefits of traditional sand medicine balls for functional strength training.
" marking, is perfect for improving core stability. This versatile equipment enhances any home gym by providing the benefits of traditional sand medicine balls for functional strength training.
A black Sand Medicine Ball by GORUCK, featuring a handle, is perfect for boosting core stability at home. The ball is marked with the brand name GORUCK and the number 80# in white text, making it a versatile piece of equipment for your home gym collection.
in white text, making it a versatile piece of equipment for your home gym collection.
The Sand Medicine Ball by GORUCK is designed with a camouflage pattern and "100#" marking, making it ideal for boosting core stability during your home gym workouts.
" marking, making it ideal for boosting core stability during your home gym workouts.
A GORUCK Sand Medicine Ball in black, featuring "10#" printed in white text, is perfect for core stability. It comes with fabric straps for easy handling, making it a great addition to your home gym.
" printed in white text, is perfect for core stability. It comes with fabric straps for easy handling, making it a great addition to your home gym.
A person exercises outdoors, sitting on grass and holding a 10 kg Sand Medicine Ball by GORUCK to enhance core stability. Dressed in a black tank top and green leggings, they enjoy the vibrant scene with palm trees and buildings as the sun shines brightly.
A man in sunglasses and a black shirt crouches outdoors, brushing sand off a shoe. Next to him is a yellow bag that might be filled with GORUCK's Sand Medicine Balls for core stability workouts. The blurred scenery of trees and a house blends harmoniously with the warm sunlight, setting an inviting scene.
An individual exercises outdoors, seated on the grass and raising a GORUCK Sand Medicine Ball overhead to improve core stability. They are dressed in a black sleeveless top and green pants, with trees, a fence, and a brick building visible in the background.
Black GORUCK Sand Medicine Ball with a "100#" label on the front, ideal for enhancing core stability in your home gym.
" label on the front, ideal for enhancing core stability in your home gym.
Outdoors, a person grips a GORUCK Sand Medicine Ball in black, enhancing core stability like a versatile 100-pound sandbag from their home gym.
Sunlight illuminates the sand as it pours into a black fabric bag, reminiscent of filling GORUCK Sand Medicine Balls for your home gym.
A man squats with a 100 lb Sand Medicine Ball from GORUCK on his shoulder, showcasing core stability outside a building, as if bringing the intensity of a home gym workout to the outdoors.
A firefighter in full gear carries a heavy black equipment bag outdoors near the training area, where GORUCK Sand Medicine Balls and other gear are used to enhance core stability. Equipment is visible in the background.
Black Sand Medicine Ball by GORUCK with a handle, labeled "80#", ideal for boosting core stability in your home gym.
", ideal for boosting core stability in your home gym.
A man holding a GORUCK Sand Medicine Ball over his shoulder, wearing a cap with "2%" written on it, stands near palm trees, mindful of core stability following his home gym session.


Regulärer Preis$78.00

  • Auf Lager, versandfertig


Wir haben den gleichen dreifach verschließbaren Klettverschluss von unseren Filler Bags genommen und ihn auf den Verschluss des Med-Ball Halses angewendet. Dann fügten wir eine weitere Schicht Klettverschluss mit Paracord-Schnüren hinzu, um sie fest zu verschnüren. Die Öffnung ist mit einer Verschlussklappe versehen, die mit einem Klettverschluss versehen ist, damit der Ball glatt und ohne Reibungspunkte ist.

Keine Reißverschlüsse und keine Schwachstellen

Knall und wirf deinen Sandmed-Ball herum, ohne Angst vor zerquetschten Reißverschlüssen zu haben. Der Klettverschluss funktioniert jedes Mal und hält den Belastungen stand, die du während deines Trainings auf ihn ausübst.


Primär aus 1000 Denier Cordura gefertigt, ist es das bevorzugte Material für alle Rucksäcke der Special Forces, weil es allen Widrigkeiten standhält, auch im Krieg. Es ist erprobt und bewährt. Es ist das Material, dem wir bei unseren Rucksäcken vertrauen, also vertrauen wir ihm auch bei unserer Sandtrainingsausrüstung. Unsere Medizinbälle sind außerdem mit einer schwimmenden Innenkammer (im Grunde eine schwimmende Einlage) ausgestattet, die für zusätzliche Dehnung im Inneren sorgt und verhindert, dass Sand nach außen gelangt.


Sit-ups gelten als der Goldstandard für die Beurteilung der Rumpfkraft. Grundsätzlich gilt: Je mehr Sit-ups du schaffst, desto "steinharter" werden deine Bauchmuskeln sein. Aber hast du jemals darüber nachgedacht, dass diese altmodische Übung dir auf lange Sicht sogar schaden könnte?

Nimm die 200M Med Ball Challenge

Baue bei deinem nächsten Training zwischen jeder Runde einen zusätzlichen Curveball ein. Jeder muss den schwersten Med-Ball aufheben, den er tragen kann, und darf ihn 200 m lang nicht fallen lassen. Wenn du sie fallen lässt, musst du 100 Burpees machen (deine Freunde können sie sogar für dich zählen, wenn du willst!) So einfach, lass es nicht fallen. Nimm dein Gewicht auf, trage es 200 m weit und lass uns wissen, wie du dich schlägst.


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