
06.14.2024 "UNILATERAL CHIPPER" 30-20-10 Jumping Pull-ups or Sandbag Bent Over Rows Right Leg Only Step-Ups Left Leg Only Step-Ups Push-ups (hands on the box) Right Leg Only Bulgarian Split Squats Left Leg Only Bulgarian Split Squats Rx: 40/30lb Ruck Intermediate:...
06.13.2024 "DEVIL-BEAR-SHUTTLE" 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Sandbag Devil Press Sandbag Bear Complex *80m Shuttle run each round Rx: 60/40lb Sandbag Scoring= for time
06.11.2024 "SANDBAG SQUAT INTERRUPTION" 200 Sandbag Squats For Time *Every Minute on the Minute 3 Burpees over the Sandbag Interruption **Workout starts with 3 Burpees over the Sandbag Rx: 60/40lb Sandbag Scoring= for time
06.10.2024 "TIME MARCHES ON" EMOM (every minute on the minute) Min 1 - Step-ups Alternating Min 2 - Burpee Box Step-Overs Min 3 - Walking Lunges Min 4 - Air Squats Rest 1 Min Every 0:90 Seconds 0:90s - Step-ups...
06.08.2024 "101ST AIRBORNE" 400 METER RUCK 101 RUCK LUNGES (total) 400 METER RUCK 101 RUCK SWINGS 400 METER RUCK 101 RUCK SQUATS 400 METER RUCK Rx: Ruck 30/20 lbs The 101st is recognized for its unmatched Air Assault capability, its...
06.06.2024 "82ND AIRBORNE" 8 ROUNDS: 8 SANDBAG FRONT TOSS 20 SANDBAG PLANK PULLS (10 per side) 8 BURPEES WITH LATERAL HOP 200 METER SANDBAG SHOULDER CARRY Rx: Sandbag 60/40 lbs The 82nd Airborne Division of the US Army’s objective was...
06.04.2024 "OPERATION OVERLORD" 2 ROUNDS: 44 SANDAG OVER SHOULDER 44 RUCK RUSSIAN TWISTS (2 count) 44 MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS (2 count, slick) Rx: Ruck 30/20 lbs, Sandbag 60/40 Operation Overlord was the codename for the invasion of Normandy by allied forces...
06.03.2024 "80th ANNIVERSARY" 1 MILE RUCK 80 RUCK SQUATS 80 PUSH-UPS (slick) 80 RUCK DEADLIFTS 80 RUCK OVERHEAD SHOULDER PRESS 1 MILE RUCK Rx: Ruck 30/20 lbs June 2024 is the 80th anniversary of D-day, the invasion of Normandy by...
05.31.2024 "ACTIVATE" 1 Round: 50 Zercher Squats 10 Floor Press 40 Zercher Squats 20 Floor Press 30 Zercher Squats 30 Floor Press 20 Zercher Squats 40 Floor Press 10 Zercher Squats 50 Floor Press Rx: Sandbag 60/40lb Scoring= for time...
05.30.2024 "GR" 4 ROUNDS: 50 Ruck Flutter Kicks (4 count) 25 Ruck Push Press 10 Sandbag Get Ups Rx: ruck 30/20lb, Sandbag 60/40lb Scoring= for time
05.28.2024 "BULLET" 5 Rounds: Minute Stations 1 min Sandbag Front Toss 1 min Ruck Russian Twists 1 min Sandbag Hang Clean & Press 1 min Ruck Pressed Leg Raises Rx: Sandbag 60/40lb, Ruck 30/20lb Scoring= total reps
05.27.2024 "MURPH (GORUCK Version)" 1 mile Ruck/Run 200 Sandbag Bent Over Rows 200 Ruck Push-Ups 300 Ruck Squats 1 mile Ruck/Run Rx: 20/14lb Weighted Vest, 60/40lb Sandbag *You can scale by not wearing a weight vest, partitioning the reps or...
05.25.2014 "GRIPPY" 400m Farmers Carry 4 ROUNDS: 10 KB Hang Clean & Press (each) 15 KB Bent Over Rows (each) 400m Single Arm Overhead KB Carry (switch arms every 200m) 4 ROUNDS: 10 KB Single Leg Deadlifts (each side) 10...
05.24.2024 "SANDY SPICE" 4 ROUNDS: 400m Sandbag Shuffle 50 Sandbag Step Ups (total) 20 Sandbag Front Toss Rx: Sandbag 60/40 lbs Scoring= for time
05.23.2024 "SANDBAG DT HEAVY" 5 Rounds: 12 Sandbag Deadlifts 9 Sandbag Hang Cleans 6 Sandbag Shoulder to Overhead Rx: Sandbag 80/60 lbs Scoring= for time
05.21.2024 "RUCKED" Buy In: 1 minute Ruck Plank 20 min AMRAP: 100 Ruck Swings 80 Ruck Lunges (total) 60 Ruck OH Leg Raises 40 Ruck Thrusters 20 Burpees (slick) Cash Out: 1 minute Ruck Plank Rx: Ruck 30/20 lbs Scoring=...
05.20.2024 "MURPH PREP " 800m Run 60 Squats 40 Sandbag Bent Over Rows 20 Push-Ups 400m Run 60 Squats 40 Sandbag Bent Over Rows 20 Push-Ups 800m Run 60 Squats 40 Sandbag Bent Over Rows 20 Push-Ups Optional: Wear Ruck...
05.18.2024 "SPICY" Buy In: 1 MIle Ruck (ruck only) 5 ROUNDS: 15 Sandbag Deadlifts 15 Sandbag Hang Cleans 15 Sandbag Shoulder to Overhead Cash Out: 1 Mile Ruck (ruck only) Rx: Sandbag 60/40 lb Sandbag, 30/20 lb Ruck Optional: wear...
05.17.2024 "SAND BALLIN" 50 ft Med Ball Shoulder Carry (right) 50 ft Med Ball Shoulder Carry (left) 50 Med Ball Over Shoulder 50 Med Ball Squats 50 Tricep Push-Ups on Med Ball 50 ft Med Ball Shoulder Carry (right) 50...
05.16.2024 "TARGET" 20 min AMRAP: 20 Sandbag Bear Crawl Drags Forward 20 Sandbag Bear Crawl Drags Backwards 20 Sandbag Lateral Toss 20 Sandbag Overhead Leg Raises Rx: Sandbag 60/40 lb Scoring= total rounds plus reps
05.14.2024 "CAMO" 3 ROUNDS: 5 Sandbag Z- Press 20 Sandbag Alternating Reverse Lunges 200m Suitcase Carry 8 min AMRAP Increasing reps 2, 4, 6, 8, etc... Sandbag Thrusters Sandbag Power Clean Rx: Sandbag 60/40 lbs *may need to use a...