02.26.2024 "THE PAPERMAN"
2-mile ruck with Ruck and Sandbag
Then 15-20-17 reps of the following, ruck on:
Sandbag Clean and Press
Sandbag Rows
Sandbag Over the Shoulder
Sandbag Deadlift
Rx: Ruck 30/20 lb & Sandbag 60/40 lb
In honor of Walter Edwin Scott JR, gunned down in the early morning hours of February 15th, 2017, in uptown Charlotte, NC, during an attempted robbery.
Before Wes fell, he returned fire, striking his attacker, resulting in the suspected being apprehended. Most knew Wes Scott as “The Paperman,” as an Advanced State Constable who worked drug interdiction with York County Sheriff’s Office.
Scoring= for time
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