Build a Better
Home Gym
Home Gym
You can’t argue with the benefits of a home gym vs. a gym membership, you get to put in the work on your time, no waiting or sharing equipment, and no looky-loos or judgment (even if it is your own head). But GORUCK brings value beyond all of that—with our Rucksacks, Ruck Plates, Sandbag lineup and our new Sand Kettlebells we bring the value of FREEDOM. GORUCK training gear is more affordable, space saving, and portable than traditional workout equipment—giving you the freedom to train how, when, and where you want.
Unlike other home gyms that can be expensive, take up too much space, and are well at “home”— a GORUCK home gym gives you the freedom to choose where you workout, whether in your home, your driveway, yard, or even a park.
Most people are used to cardio or strength training—running, biking or rowing to get a good cardio workout then hitting the weights for strength. GORUCK Rucksacks, Sandbags and Sand Kettlebells, allow you to get a good mix of both with just one system.
No expensive treadmills, pricey dumbbells, or weight sets freeing up your pocketbook. With the GORUCK Home Gym, our gear is more versatile requiring less equipment and you can do thousands of movements while saving thousands of dollars. Keep it simple.
Free up your precious space, don’t have an entire garage or spare bedroom that you can dedicate to all of your gym gear? GORUCK gyms carry the benefit of stacking and storing in convenient places where that pricey treadmill or bench doesn’t quite get out of the way.
Tribe 'n Training
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Join Tribe 'n Training to get daily workouts via the GORUCK Training app. Our workouts are simple (but not easy), scalable to all abilities, and you can do them anywhere.