08.03.2024 "THE 13" Part 1: 13 min AMRAP- 13 Sandbag Man Makers 13 Ruck Lunges (each leg) Immediately after Ruck 1 Mile Part 2: At the 30min Mark (you have a time hack)13 min AMRAP- 13 Sandbag Get-ups 13 Ruck...
08.02.2024 "OVER IT" 30 Sandbag Overhead Leg Raises 30 Burpees Over Sandbag 30 Sandbag Over Shoulder 20 Sandbag Overhead Leg Raises 20 Burpees Over Sandbag 20 Sandbag Over Shoulder 10 Sandbag Overhead Leg Raises 10 Burpees Over Sandbag 10 Sandbag...
07.30.2024 "INVESTED" 30min AMRAP: 10 Sandbag Hang Cleans 15 Sandbag Bent Over Rows 20 Sandbag Shoulder to Shoulder (total) 200m Sandbag Run *wear your weight vest for the entire workout Rx: Vest 20/14 lbs, Sandbag 60/40 lbs Scoring= rounds +...
07.27.2024 “UNITED WE RUCK” Partner WOD:50- Burpees w/Lateral Hop over Sandbag13- Sandbag Get Ups50- Sandbag Back Rack Walking Lunges (each leg)13- Sandbag Get Ups50- Sandbag Ground to Overhead13- Sandbag Get Ups Cash Out: 1 mile weighted (Sandbag or Ruck), CARRYING...
07.26.2024 “WASHINGTON”
Ruck Suitcase Carry1.5 Miles*Each time you switch hands or rest, you must do 10 squat clean thrusters before you begin the suitcase carry again.
Rx: 30/20lbs
Rx+: 45/30lbs
Scoring= for time
07.25.2024 “CORE CONTROL”
2 Rounds:800m Ruck50 Single Leg V-Ups (slick)25 Plank Ups (slick)800m Ruck50 Sit Ups (slick)1 min Plank Hold (Ruck optional)
Rx: Ruck 30/20lbs
Scoring= for time
07.20.2024 "DON'T LET ME DOWN" 25 minute AMRAP100m Suit case carry (50m right / 50m left hand)100m Back rack carry100m Front rack carry100m Zombie carry100m Back rack run The load must never be put down at any point throughout the...
07.19.24 "BEARLY FUN" 4 Rounds For Time:20m Bear crawl ruck drag10 Burpees over bag20m Bear crawl (no ruck)10 Squat jumps over ruck20m Ruck Front Rack Walk Lunges60sec Wall Sit (Rnd 1 no ruck, Rnd 2 ruck on lap, Rnd 3...
07.18.2024 "FEEL THE PUMP" 3 Rounds For Time:20 KB Snatch (10 left / 10 right)20 Hand KB step overs (total)20 KB Clean & Press (10 left / 10 right)20 KB Plank pull throughs (total)20 KB Swings20 Alt V sit ups...
07.16.2024 "IT'S ALL IN THE HIPS"
6 Rounds For Time:6 Alternating Med Ball Cleans (total)60 Alternating Toe Taps (total)6 Med Ball Over Shoulder (total)60 seconds rest
Rx: Sand Med Ball 100/80lb
Scoring= for time
07.15.2024 "THE WALKING DEAD" 30 min AMRAP:Sandbag Carry 200m20 Sandbag Front SquatsSandbag Carry 200m20 Sandbag Shoulder to OverheadSandbag Carry 200m20 Sandbag Back Rack Walking LungesSandbag Carry 200m20 Sandbag Thrusters Rx: Sandbag 60/40lb Keep the carry pace as fast as possible...