
01.16.2024 "TO HELL & BACK" 40 Russian Kettlebell Swings 30 Sandbag Overhead Windshield Wipers (total) 20 Sandbag Thrusters 10 Sandbag Devils Press 20 Sandbag Thrusters 30 Sandbag Windshield Wipers 40 Russian Kettlebell Swings Rx: KB 53/35 lb, SB 60/40 lb...
01.15.2024 "50 CENT" 4 ROUNDS:50 Ruck Reverse Lunges (total) 50 Ruck Push-Ups (ruck optional) 50 Ruck Sit-Ups Rx: Ruck 30/20 lb Ruck optional on push-ups. If you are proficient at push-up use the ruck until form begins to suffer then...
01.13.2024 "BURPEE LADDER" 10-1 Burpees with a 200m Sandbag Run after each set of burpees: 10 Burpees 200m Sandbag Run 9 Burpees 200m Sandbag Run 8 Burpees 200m Sandbag Run... all the way down to 1 burpee and 200m sandbag...
01.12.2024 "PISTOL" 6 ROUNDS: 20 Mountain Climbers (2 count, slick) 20 Seated Ruck Russian Twist (2 count) 20 Ruck Pressed Sit Ups 100m Heavy Sandbag Zercher Carry Rx: Ruck 30/20 lb, Sandbag 80/60 lb Scoring= for quality, not for time...
01.11.2024 "RIFLE" BUY IN: 800m Ruck Run/Shuffle 5 ROUNDS: 15 Single Arm Ruck Bicep Curls 15 Close Grip Push-Ups (ruck optional) 15 Sandbag Strict Overhead Press (ruck optional) 15 Sandbag Bent Over Rows (ruck optional) CASH OUT: 800m Ruck Run/Shuffle...
01.09.2024 "GLOCK" 4 ROUNDS: 50ft Sandbag Front Toss 50ft Sandbag Drag Bear Crawl 4 ROUNDS: 50ft Sandbag Front Rack Lunges 50ft Sandbag Overhead Carry 4 ROUNDS: 20 Sandbag Overhead Leg Raises (laying on back) 20 Single Leg V-Ups (slick) Rx:...
01.08.2024 "SIG" 2 ROUNDS: 20 Sandbag Front Squats 100m SB Right Shoulder Carry 100m SB Left Shoulder Carry 20 Sandbag Back Squats 100m SB Right Shoulder Carry 100m SB Left Shoulder Carry 20 Sandbag Deadlifts 100m SB Right Shoulder Carry...
01.06.2024 "RUCK 45" 45 minutes Ruck for Distance Rx: Ruck 30/20 lb Scoring= for distance
01.05.2024 "KB" 25 Minute AMRAP: 100- Russian KB Swings 80- Single Arm KB Floor Press (total) 60- Single Arm KB Bent Over Row (total) 40- KB Goblet Squats 20- KB Overhead Walking Lunges (total) Rx: KB 53/35 lb -eye level...
01.04.2024 "SB" BUY IN: 30 Sandbag Lateral Toss 4 ROUNDS: 8 Sandbag Squat Clean 8 Sandbag Strict Press 12 Sandbag Hang Power Clean 12 Sandbag Push Press CASH OUT: 30 Sandbag Lateral Toss Rx: Sandbag 60/40 lbs Scoring= for time...
01.02.2024 "SANDBALL" 5 ROUNDS: Minute 1: Max Medball Push- Ups Minute 2: 200ft Medball Bearhug Carry Minute 3: Max Medball Over Shoulder Minute 4: Rest Rx+: 150/100 lb ball Rx: 100/80 lb ball Scaled: lighter medball or sandbag Scoring= Max...
01.01.2024 "2024" 5 ROUNDS: 400m Ruck Run/Shuffle 20 Burpees (slick/unweighted) 24 Ruck Swings Rx: Ruck 30/20 lbs Scoring= for time