News & Stories

Virginity Rocks
“We are literally driving off into the sunset to rescue your GR1.” I said this looking over at Michael Easter, hunched over his phone, trying to get his Find My ____ (insert any lost Apple product) to update. We were...
Discomfort Is Being Stuck in the Mud with Your Children
TL;DR: Tides will change faster than you think. Use a ramp if there is one. When you find yourself mired in the muck, crawl your way out (and other tips on how to escape quicksand below). Our close friends Dan...
Change in 2023 - A Chat with ChatGPT
By Emily McCarthy These days, it seems like you can’t go too far without hearing about ChatGPT — the latest leap in Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot technology. Depending on who you talk to, reactions to ChatGPT’s ability to identify patterns...
Freedom of Expression
By Emily McCarthy Back when I was young and dumb, I traveled to a North African nation in the summer of 1998 to visit a college friend who was enrolled in an Arabic study abroad program. It was my first...