9.9.23 "SB20" by MTNTOUGH

Get a month free of MTNTOUGH so you can complete the entire program using the code ‘GORUCKCHALLENGE’ on the MTNTOUGH website. Download the MTNTOUGH Fitness App on the App Store or Google Play to get started.

Equipment: Ruck, Kettlebell, Step/Cooler

WARMUP: 2 Rounds
Toe Pull Overhead Squats x 5
Burpees x 5
Dynamic Pigeon x 3/3

BLOCK 1: 5 Rounds
Pack + KB Asymmetrical Farmer Carry x 1 min/1 min
FWD Step Ups x 10/10
Monkey Planks x 5/5
Lateral Step Ups x 10/10
Renegade Rows x 10/10

BUY OUT: Pack Walking Lunges x 100 (50/50)

COOL DOWN: 1 Round
Couch Stretch x 30 sec/30 sec
Lumbar Twists x 1 min

NOTES: This is your first Ruck workout of the program. The workout will begin with your kettlebell in one hand, and your pack on your back. You will carry for 1 minute on each arm. If you would like to challenge yourself, you may perform this part on a treadmill set to 15% incline @ 2-2.5 mph. You will not need your Kettlebell for the remaining movements. Keep track of your total time to complete this workout, including your BUY OUT Lunges.

9.8.23 "SB20" by MTNTOUGH

Get a month free of MTNTOUGH so you can complete the entire program using the code ‘GORUCKCHALLENGE’ on the MTNTOUGH website. Download the MTNTOUGH Fitness App on the App Store or Google Play to get started.


Equipment: Sandbag, Kettlebell

WARMUP: 2 Rounds
Jumping Jacks x 50
Dyno Kicks x 3/3
T Pushups x 5/5

AMRAP: 20 minutes

RUN x 200 meters
Sandbag Plank Drag Tuck x 5/5
KB Pullover Alt V Up x 10/10
KB Butt Kickers x 25/25
Supermans x 10
**Every 5 minutes, pause timer and complete Sandbag Wall Sit
5 minute mark - 30 sec Wall Sit
10 minute mark - 60 sec Wall Sit
15 minute mark - 90 sec Wall Sit
20 minute mark - 120 sec Wall Sit
**2 Burpee penalty for every break in Wall Sit

COOL DOWN: 1 Round
Golf Stretch x 1 min
V Sit Hamstring Stretch x 30 sec/30 sec

NOTES: Today is technically your FLUSH day. When you start your timer, complete as many rounds through the circuit as possible until the 5 minute mark. At 5 minutes, pause your timer and head to the wall for your Sandbag Wall Sit for the prescribed time. Restart your timer and repeat this pattern every 5 minutes until the 20 minute mark - making sure to increase your Wall Sit time. You will end your workout with a 2 minute Sandbag Wall Sit. There is a 2 Burpee penalty every time you break your Wall Sit. DO NOT eat the clock. Perform your Burpee and get back on the wall as quickly as possible.

9.7.23 "SB20" by MTNTOUGH

Get a month free of MTNTOUGH so you can complete the entire program using the code ‘GORUCKCHALLENGE’ on the MTNTOUGH website. Download the MTNTOUGH Fitness App on the App Store or Google Play to get started.

Equipment: Sandbag

WARMUP: 2 Rounds
Sliding Squats x 5/5
Windmills x 5/5
Supermans x 20

*every 2 minutes, pause timer and complete
Lunge Jumps x 15/15 and switch shoulders

SB Bent Row x 2-4-6-8-10-12-10-8-6-4-2
SB Push Press x 2-4-6-8-10-12-10-8-6-4-2
Speed Skaters x x 2-4-6-8-10-12-10-8-6-4-2 (per side)

SANDBAG SHOULDER CARRY x 12 minutes *every 2 minutes, pause timer and complete Lunge Jumps x 15/15 and switch shoulders

COOL DOWN: 1 Round
Kneeling HIp Flexor x 30 sec/30 sec

Kneeling Adductor Stretch x 30 sec/30 sec

NOTES: “ATLAS” begins with a block of Shoulder Carries. Be sure to pause your timer for your Lunge Jumps (15/15). This is to ensure you get a full 12 minutes of carrying (6 minutes per shoulder). You will then progress to your ladder sequence, performing 2 reps of each movement, then 4, then 6... continuing the pattern until you reach 12 – then return to your sets of 2. You will complete the full ladder sequence and then repeat your Shoulder Carry. Make note of how long the entire workout takes you and record it to track progress.

9.5.23 "SB20" by MTNTOUGH

Get a month free of MTNTOUGH so you can complete the entire program using the code ‘GORUCKCHALLENGE’ on the MTNTOUGH website. Download the MTNTOUGH Fitness App on the App Store or Google Play to get started.

Equipment: Kettlebell

WARMUP: 2 Rounds
High Knees x 15/15
Hamstring Rockers x 5/5
Speed Skaters x 5/5

EMOM: 6 minutes
KB Swings x 12
SEAL Burpees x 2

BLOCK 1: 3 Rounds
Single Leg KB RDL x 10 (right)
KB Choppers x 10 (right)
Single Leg KB RDL x 10 (left)
KB Choppers x 10 (left)
Situps x 20

EMOM: 6 minutes
KB Swings x 12
SEAL Burpees x 2

COOL DOWN: 1 Round
Pigeon Pose x 30 sec/ 30 sec
Scorpion x 1 min

NOTES: When your timer starts for your EMOM, complete the designated reps. You then have the rest of the minute to rest before your next set begins when the timer hits the 1 minute mark. Repeat this for 6 rounds (6 minute EMOM). Be sure to make note of form and sequence of the SEAL Burpees. You will complete all 3 Rounds of Block 1 before repeating your 6 minute EMOM.

Get a month free of MTNTOUGH so you can complete the entire program using the code ‘GORUCKCHALLENGE’ on the MTNTOUGH website. Download the MTNTOUGH Fitness App on the App Store or Google Play to get started. http://lab.mtntough.com/checkout/subs...

Equipment: Sandbag

WARMUP: 2 Rounds
Overhead Squats x 10
Pushup Toe Reach x 5/5
Russian Twists x 15/15

BUY IN: Front Rack Carry x 200 yards

BLOCK 1: 3 Rounds
Back Squats x 75
*every 15 reps complete
SB Devil’s Press (Burpee Curl Press) x 5
Spider Crunch x 20
Bag Hop Over x 20

BUY OUT: Front Rack Carry x 200 yards

COOL DOWN: 1 Round
Child’s Pose x 1 min
Couch Stretch x 30 sec/30 sec

NOTES: Welcome to Day 1 of SB20. Your Front Rack Carry should be held high on the chest with your elbows pointing in front of you. Maintain this position for the entire 200 yards. For Block 1, the sandbag will be on your back for squats. After 15 squats, drop your sandbag and perform 5 x SB Devil’s Press (Burpee Curl Press) and then continue your squats. You will perform 5 x SB Devil’s Press after your 75th rep of squats. You may perform your Bag Hop Overs for max speed or you may reset your arm swing.

9.2.23 "GAUX FOR A WALK"

Programmed by Margaux Alvarez

30 min Ruck

Then 3 Rounds of:
10 Med Ball Squats
20 Alt Single Leg V-Ups (total)
*no ruck

9.1.23 "INTERVALS"

Programmed by Margaux Alvarez


15 SB Deadlifts
12 SB Front Rack Lunges (total)
10 SB Thrusters
*Rest 2 min